I’m going to take a break from projects for just a second to just sit down & chat. First I want to say thank you SO much for following along with my blogging journey. This has been a learning experience for sure. I have a newfound respect for people who do this full time…..there’s so much that goes on behind the scenes ? Writing the post is actually the easy part.

I started this blog in hopes to help others learn to do things on their own…especially women! I am a full-time SAHM and sometimes I lose myself in just being “mama”. Doing home projects, crafting, flipping furniture, anything hands-on is my creative outlet. This little website is my space. A space I can come to write whatever I want…my diary if you will. Now, don’t get me wrong being a “mama” is my number one priority, but I also have to find time to be “Kristen” to make sure I’m being the best mama for my girls ❤️

I have an entire note on my phone dedicated to blog posts that I want to write. Most of my projects consist of some sort of lumber…& HOLY COW at the price of that…am I right?! I mean do you want my left or right kidney?! So I think I will still share with you past projects that we have done because even though the price of lumber has skyrocketed…it’s cheaper to DIY than to pay someone to do it for you! We actually had a contractor come out and quote us on adding a porch to the side of our house and the price has literally doubled what it would have cost last year ? Needless to say that has been put off for a bit so on to the next project! Also, let me know what you want to see from me! I am always open to new projects and blog post ideas! & ladies….don’t be afraid to pick up a tool and learn to use it! I know it can be intimidating but once you learn how the possibilities are endless! You will have an entire list of things you want to do & everyone has to start somewhere!

If you arent ready to pick up the miter saw and brad nailer just yet…one of the easiest & cheapest ways to transform a space is paint. The power of paint is incredible! Don’t be afraid to go bold either, you can always paint it a different color. I love the look of a bright and airy home! I would really love to get to a minimalistic decor style because the saying “less is more” is so true! It will take little to no effort to keep the look of a clean home! Too much decor and it can seem cluttered and overwhelming (i.e. my girls rooms) Please tell me I’m not alone in this!? Remember Taz the Tasmanian Devil from the Looney Tunes? I swear he lives in this house somewhere ? Anyways, I am loving the moody color palettes that are trending right now and I’m just looking for the perfect spot to add a pop of color!

There is really no specific point to this post other than just to chat. I really hope you have enjoyed following along because I still have so much to share. Also, please forgive me if my posts or grammar are all over the place. Commas…they are so confusing! I mean do they go here, here, or here?! Sometimes I really have no clue but you didn’t come here for an English lesson…at least I hope you didn’t! ? I promise I am not the one….ask my husband! Okay, I have rambled enough. I will be back with another blog post soon. Kids are about to be out for summer and I may have a yummy smoothie recipe I’ll share ?